New Wave Was The Real Wave
Pinning down what truly constituted the 80s new wave music is as easy as plucking a guitar string. We think that the rebellious nature and the 80s new wave hits evolved from bands like Duran Duran, The Cure, INXS, Devo and more. In our opinion, “new wave” changed the music scene forever which was attributed to these experimental, as well as revolutionary icons of rock music.
We can see the way this music genre was able to give us many enigmatic bands. According to us, what can be cited to be among the most fascinating aspects of this music genre was its level of open-mindedness when it came to style. It is because of this that it had contributions from an expansive range of groups as new wave music was not confined to a particular musical homogeneity.
Rise of Brother Crush
New Wave impacted not only the music style of the era, but the entertainment industry as a whole. Times were great for many people and good times certainly affected LGBT communities, because they came up with idea of launching project called Brother Crush – where step family relations of brothers are taken to the new level, very taboo one. It wasn’t easy to promote such content in the old days, but guess what? With Internet we are proud to say that today’s interpretation of Brother Crush is going to be launched in new form – of gay videos!
As mentioned in Lexicon Magazine, the characteristics of New Wave with other genres when it comes to diversity, use of synthesizers, electronic productions among others.
You can also agree with us that what was the most important aspect of this genre of New Wave was not only the lack of strictness to specific rules in songwriting but rather the unrelenting attitude and strong spirit that yielded what we think was a combination of both punk and pop riddled with a sheen of slick production coupled with a whole lot of thought-provoking sounds and lyrics that was not typically of the 80’s music scene.
We would be lying to you if we say the new wave era can be defined by one best band or song, but among them is definitely Buggles’ hit track ‘Video Killed the Radio Star’ which was the first video to be broadcasted on MTV in 1981. We believe that this is what set the stage for the hostile takeover of the 80s television by new wave music. With this said, let us take you for a small walk further down memory lane and look at what we believe to be the top bands that helped in defining the 80’s New Wave music genre.
There is Duran Duran, a band we believe that to have basically been impossible to have lived through the 80’s without having grooved to at least one of their song. The 80s had some highly commercialized, often televised new wave songs such as their hit single “Hungry Like the Wolf” which is often considered to be the greatest New Wave song to have been recorded.
There were some New Wave bands that took the unconventional and sometimes murky path towards fame and fortune such as The Cure who we believe were the Genesis of Goth, as it is. This is because their musical focus was originally centered on dark and deep melodic sound which got to be known as Goth genre. And from where we stand we think that this was best seen with their hit singles like The Cure “Just Like Heaven” as well as The Cure “Why Can’t I Be You?”
The New Wave genre was also felt very deeply in Australia thanks to the band INXS. They best captured new wave’s blend of rock and pop sensibilities recording hit track INXS “Original Sin” which is considered by some as the greatest New Wave song.
You will agree with us that 80s new wave genre had bands and songs that can only be said to have been plain weird. Devo band and their songs best exemplifies this. This can best be seen in hit track Devo “Whip It,” which we think was their greatest New Wave song. Aside from that, their out of the world costumes still grace Halloween costumes such as “power dome” hats.
There may be debates about which track was the best or which band reigned supreme but what can’t be debated is the fact that the 80s new wave forever changed the music scene…