Popular Artists from New Wave Era
Several artists have performed in the new wave era and more are expected to join. Various bands have also been performing since the inception of new wave era.
Duran Duran
This is an English band that was formed in the year 1978 – almost 8 years since new wave came into being. The band developed from alternate sensations in the year 1982 to conventional pop stars within the following two years. Within the period of a decade, the band underwent an array of challenges more so in music styles and membership. However, in spite of the said challenges, the band was able to stage a resurgence during the early ‘90s. The band was the best in Second British Invasion of the United States. It is said that the band has had over 13 singles among the best 10 UK Singles Chart. Moreover, the group has also had over 20 singles placed in the Billboard Hot 100. Duran Duran is in record of selling over 100 million records across the world.
The emergence of Duran Duran was seen to be synonymous with New Romantic scene along with other luminary bands which included Spandau Ballet. However, this image was later shed off and the band came up with a better, elegant, and sophisticated appearance through the use of marketing and fusion. The band is on record for having won a number of accolades throughout the time they have been performing. The awards include Brit Awards (2 of them), MTV video music award, and Grammy awards (2).
The band is so remarkable that the Hollywood Walk of Fame featured them.
When the video age came into being, the band was catapulted into main productions in MTV music channel. This was a remarkable achievement since the channel is a 24-hour music channel. Most of the videos done by the band were done through the use of 35 mm film. This enabled them to have a better outlook as compared to what other band were doing at the time.Duran Duran worked with other professional directors of the film industry so to improve on quality. The band is credited for being part of the early bands that used video technology during their live shows in stadiums.
The Human League
This band was formed in the year 1977 in Sheffield. The band released two instant albums after they were signed into Virgin Records in the year 1979. This was accompanied by an array of singles before the band shot to fame through the third album that they released in the year 1981 – Dare. Some of the singles that the album had included Open your heart, Love action (I believe in Love), and don’t you want me. In the year 1982, the band was awarded Brit Award which is given as a result of Best British Breakthrough Act. The band further produced other hits from 1980s to 1990s. Some of the hits included Fascination, tell me when, mirror man, and being boiled among others.
There has been a single member who has remained royal and constant in spite of the changing times. This is none other than the songwriter and vocalist Oakey Philip.
Ian Marsh Craig and Ware Martyn both left the human league in the year 1980 so that they could form their own – Heaven 17. Since Oakey took over the leadership of the band, it has evolved into a successful commercial league with new members such as Ann Susan Sulley and Catherall Joanne. The band has essentially been made up of three members since the 1990s.
It is worth noting that the band has release over 8 studio albums, over 30 singles, four EPS, and a host of other compilation albums. The United Kingdom’s top 10 has had 8 singles and 5 albums from the human league. The band is said to have sold close to over 20 million copies – a record that has not been achieved by such a small band.
Although the three members have been discussing about their retirement, no one seems to know when they will exit the scene.
Oakey, Catherall, and Sulley have said time and again that they enjoy performing together. They intend to hold together for longer than expected. Sulley even says that she does not know what to do besides doing music.
They expect to continue being part of great live shows so long as their fans are happy to see them.